Monday, February 12, 2007


I had a craving for Korean food this evening. I'm so glad we have a Korean restaurant here. So I called up the hubby and asked him if he felt like Korean for dinner tonight. I've never known him to turn it down, and tonight was no exception. He asked about J.'s practice, but I explained to him that he wasn't going to go to practice tonight. That's another story, involving sneaking into our room and taking a pocketknife to open nuts that A. had brought home from school. Grrrrrrr. I'll share that later...don't know what I'm gonna do with these kids.

So I called in our order to the restaurant. I ordered 3 Bulgogi dinners and lots of Kimchee. She says, the Kimchee comes with the Bulgogi dinners. Yes, I know, but the hubby wants EXTRA Kimchee. I think she knew at that instant who I was (he usually calls and orders). Whenever we go eat in the restaurant, she brings two separate dishes "so you don't fight over it." We also love the Gim Bap (a type of Sushi), so I had to call back and order that because I forgot the first time I called. The kids would have a fit if we didn't have that. Last time we ate in the restaurant, the hubby and I cracked up at our daughter. Those of you who know what a little bird she is and how slowly she eats will appreciate this. We're sitting there eating our Gim Bap, and she stuffs one in her mouth, and then has two in each hand. So of course we teased her about being a pig. My kids just LOVE foreign foods of just about any kind, but when it comes to eating the home-cooked Southern foods like my mother-in-law cooks, we sometimes have a really hard time getting them to eat. They love the typical "kid foods" like chicken nuggets, french fries, pizza and mac & cheese, but also love the kinds of foods that most kids their age turn their nose up at. Whenever we would go to our favorite restaurant in our little town in Germany, they always had to split an appetizer of Escargot (Schnecken in German). They really hate the fact that our German restaurant here doesn't serve!

P. had a really crappy day at work today. He gets frustrated almost on a daily basis, but today was really bad. I won't go into too much detail because of potentially sharing too much information, but let's suffice it to say that it really gets under his skin when people discount what he tells them, taking everything someone else says as gospel. It's no wonder this particular organization they work with manages to get away with so much crap. Nobody seems to question their excuses.

I'm sharing this because my baby girl can always seem to get a grin out of her daddy when he's had a bad day. Tonight when they were giving us kisses before bed, she came and gave each of us a big kiss and hug. Then she decided to get us each a raspberry. She gave me a raspberry, and then her daddy. Even though he knew it was coming, it still made him smile. So I told the baby girl she should be proud of herself because she can always get her daddy to smile when he's having a bad day. That just tickled her pink!