Sunday, April 15, 2007

So Much for That Idea...

The hubby told me earlier today that he planned to get to bed early tonight since he has to work tomorrow. He said he planned to go to bed around the time the kids go to bed, which is 8:00. Since we were up really late every night this weekend, which was a long weekend for us since he took both Thursday and Friday off to move, I understood why he wanted to try to do that. I just didn't see it happening.

It's after 10:30 p.m. now, and he's been up and down the stairs quite a few times since just after 9:00. He went up to give himself a haircut and made three or four trips down after he was finished with that. He's been trying to round up uniform stuff, making sure he has everything he needs here at the new house, and then asked me where his boots are. I told him that I had told the boy to take them upstairs to our bedroom since he was helping us bring in things from the car that we had brought over from the old house. He couldn't find them. I told him to look again, including on my side of the room and in the bonus room in case J got confused.

He just came downstairs asking if I'd brought any snack stuff from the old house. I should have known the man couldn't go to bed without a late night snack. :-) He was the one who got stuff from the kitchen the other day (and we haven't finished bringing all that stuff over yet), so besides popcorn (which is his favorite anyway), we hadn't brought over any other snack foods, not that I keep that much in the house anyway (not really conducive to the weight loss). So he popped himself some popcorn and is sitting here eating it right now watching the last part of "National Treasure." Great movie.

Oh, I asked him if he'd found it boots, and he said he had. When I asked him where they were, he told me that they were in our closet, but waaaaaayyy in the back of our closet. J had taken them and put them in the far back corner of our huge walk-in closet, and P didn't see them because of some clothes that I had brought over last week. I got a good giggle out of that. Kids are so doggone funny. We told him to take the boots to our room, and he decided they needed to be put in the closet. Smart kid! Now if only he'd keep his room clean and put his things where they belong. We'll see.