Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New House Update

So I hit my first snafu today. No big deal, really, just an inconvenience.

Right now we have our phone, internet, and cable all through Time Warner. We pay less for all of it that way than some of my phone bills were before we went to Germany. A couple of weeks ago I called TWC to schedule transfer of the services. Since it was a new construction, they were going to have to send someone out to make sure service was available. This was going to take three to five business days, but she gave me a reference number to call back in case I didn't hear from them. Today I realized I hadn't heard from them yet, so I called them back. Come to find out, cable construction hasn't been completed in the new section of the subdivision, so we're not going to be able to keep our service with them after all. Bummer! So then I was on a mission to find a suitable alternative. One of the best things about TWC besides the savings was the fact that I paid everything on one bill.

As I was searching, I found out that Embarq also offers bundled services. They also have unlimited long distance available (another thing I liked about TWC). So it looks like I'll still really be able to save money on my phone bill after all. They also have a partnership with Dish Network, so I'll still be able to have all three services included on one bill. Yay! And the best thing is that it might end up being a bit cheaper than TWC. We'll see. I was on the phone with the girl for almost an hour today getting it all set up. It wouldn't have taken so long, but the new address wasn't registered in the system yet. It wasn't in the 911 system, either, but it is now.

I met with a guy today about beginning monitoring on the alarm system that's already in the house. I had to call him back to let him know about the phone issue, because since we're not going with the same provider we won't get to keep the same phone number. Well, we could have, but it was apparently going to be a month-long process. I'd rather just change my phone number than deal with waiting a month for my service.

Well, although it may have been an inconvenience to begin with, it looks like I may come out better with changing service providers after all. We shall see!

Oh! On a positive note, I got a call from our agent while I was on hold with Embarq. That was quite a sight...a phone up to each ear. Especially considering the fact that I'm not a big phone talker. Anyway, we have an appointment time for our closing locked in now. She said she'd call me back with the address once she had it. I can't believe it's coming up so quickly!