Thursday, July 19, 2007

First Week of School

Well, first half-week anyway.

My kids started back to school on Wednesday. They're in year-round school here.

My son is going to have quite an adjustment to make this year. He started Fourth Grade. Our PA told me Monday that it's been his experience, from his patients, that fourth grade is the hardest year for kids. Said he has a lot of kids in the office staying home with complaints of bellyaches, etc. Here we are two days into the new school year, and I believe it already.

We got home from school this afternoon, and J was supposed to be doing his homework. I heard him upstairs playing and reminded him more than once that he was supposed to be doing his homework. Finally he complained, "It's too hard!" Maybe the difference is that this year they have actual textbooks. He had science homework tonight and he was supposed to read a chapter on minerals and then answer questions on a worksheet. He really struggled with that. I know it's a different style for him, and I tried to help him understand what he needed to do, but we were both getting frustrated. He was working on his homework until nearly 7 tonight, and he still had to read for a half hour. Their bedtime is 8 on school nights.

I had to get out of the house for a bit this evening after making sure he finished his Science homework. We're having the baby girl's birthday party Sunday evening, so I needed to go get gifts for that. I ordered her cake too. So we should be ready for her party now. Going to Chuck E Cheese. I know they'll have a good time, although it's crazy for the grownups.

Sunday should be fun!