Monday, August 14, 2006

My Little Comedian

I have a funny kid story to share. My few family members who read my blog will appreciate this because J. is actually quite a bit like my little sister. She could always get out of trouble by making my dad laugh.

Friday night I was sitting here trying to work on a school assignment. We had eaten dinner and the kids were ready for a snack. They both came running down the stairs. For small people they both walk really heavily. I told them they sounded like a herd of elephants coming down the stairs. J. did his elephant impression, which for an (almost) 8 year-old is quite convincing. I started to say "That's not funny" but before I could finish the sentence, I started laughing. They continued on into the kitchen for their snack and something to drink, and J. proceeds to say, "Well, Mom, if it wasn't funny why are you laughing?" What could I say? I was laughing uncontrollaby at that point. I'm usually really good about staying serious with the kids when necessary, but it wasn't really necessary this time. After the kids went upstairs and P. came in from the garage, I was still laughing and could barely tell him about it. When I did, he said, "That's your sister up and down."

Yep...J.'s probably going to be a prankster like her. That's ok though. It will be nice to have him to make us laugh when things get too serious.