Monday, August 21, 2006

It Never Fails

Why is it that things always happen when my husband's gone. Never mind...I know the answer to that question. Murphy's Law for the Military Spouse - If something can go wrong, it will...when the soldier is deployed/TDY/whatever...GONE! I'm just tired of it. This month has been tough enough already without adding to it.

P. left yesterday on a week-long TDY for training. Went to Fort Benning. He had been gone for a few hours when I got a phone call from my mom. My uncle (her brother) had been taken to the hospital with chest pains. He got there and they also diagnosed him with cirrhosis and had him on morphine. My mom was on the way to the hospital to see him and to find out what exactly was going on. When I called her later in the evening, I found out that the news isn't great. His doctors say he may have 6 months left.

To top it off, A. is home sick from school today. She's been complaining on and off all weekend about a headache and stomachache, and she's had a bit of a fever. I had a headache that started last night and must have had a fever late last night because I woke up with chills. Aren't we just quite a pair? So I just felt like complaining a bit this morning.