Sunday, August 13, 2006

Making Progress

Well, we might actually get everything unpacked and organized before it's time to move again after all. I was starting to We still have a lot of work to do, but we got quite a bit done this weekend. We got several pictures hung and other things put where they should be. We've had stuff stacked in the family room for weeks now, and I moved most of it out and got the furniture moved back where it belongs. We had moved it to make room for delivery of our household goods. Little by little my world is returning to normal...whatever that is.

The kids went to spend the weekend with P.'s parents. Yesterday P.'s dad's church was having the kickoff for their Vacation Bible School, and it was apparently an all-day thing for the kids to play. There was a jumping castle or slide, or something. J. managed to get hurt on it. Got a pretty bad friction burn on his arm. P.'s parents felt so bad. When they came to pick the kids up yesterday, P.'s dad asked if I'd ever considered that maybe we had too much stuff. LOL! No way! It's amazing, though, how much stuff we did accumulate while we were in Germany. We were never anywhere close to our maximum weight allowance until this move. I'm still praying that we didn't go over.

I really want to try to update this page more often. Maybe once things settle down some more I'll be able to. I'm still trying to manage my time with my new job. I'm working from home and it is challenging, but very rewarding. It's nice to be able to do the things here at the house that I need to do a bit more easily. I've also been back in school for about two and a half months, and have had a harder time than I thought I would getting back into that schedule. I'm finishing my degree online, and it is kind of hard having to be on the computer almost all the time. The kids are in year-round school here, so that helps a bit. At least I have from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to work with few distractions. Then they do their homework and play quietly while I finish working. They've finally adjusted to the fact that even though Mommy is home, she still has a job to do. They're great kids. Like I said, we're making progress.