Thursday, August 31, 2006


Since we moved back to the States I've been pretty lazy. I was doing really well before we left Germany with working on getting back in shape. Aura taught a spinning class at the gym on post and encouraged me to come try it out. She assured me it was fun and a great workout. I had seen a few spinning classes and thought they looked awfully hard but could be fun, so I decided to give it a shot. I was hooked after the first time, even though I went home and complained to hubby that Aura was mean and kicked my butt (love ya Aura)! It was a butt-kicking I

Well, since we got back to the States I haven't been working out. None of my equipment (elliptical, mini stair stepper) is unpacked and set up yet and I haven't decided where I want to go to the gym. Christy called me last night and we got to talking about the gym she goes to. They offer lots of classes so I decided I should check it out. Turns out she is going to a spinning class this morning, so I decided the best time to start going was right now. I need to stop talking about it and just go. Plus I can go as her guest today and see how I like it. It was just the motivation I needed. So I'm going to finish my coffee, brush my teeth and wash my face, and then I'll be off to start my new workout regimen.