Sunday, August 12, 2007

Not Funny

The hubby and I were sitting here trying to relax last night after the kids went to bed. We had just decided to go to bed just before 11 when we heard what sounded like a gunshot. The hubby hit the floor and sort of crept over to the window to look out while I was hollering wondering what it was. There were a couple more explosions, and I could see a flash out the window from where I was sitting. Turns out somebody (probably some kids from a nearby neighborhood) had decided to put firecrackers in our next-door neighbors' mailbox and blow it up.

Like I said, we didn't think it was funny at all. Most of the neighbors nearby came outside to see what was going on. Nobody saw who had done it. One of these days those kids are going to mess with the wrong person. I just hope somebody manages to catch them soon.