Friday, August 17, 2007

Isn't it Kind of Early for This?

My phone rang this afternoon, and I didn't recognize the name or number on the Caller ID.

I answered the phone, and it was a little boy asking to speak to my baby girl. I told him she couldn't talk at the moment because she was cleaning her room, but that I would be sure to tell her he had called. He was very polite.

So I called her downstairs.

Mom: A, who's D (the little boy's name)?
A: He's a boy that rides our bus
Mom: So are you giving all the kids our phone number?
A: (Looking concerned) Mommy, he ASKED for it!

I couldn't help but laugh at this point.

Mom: So, is he your boyfriend?
A: (Looking embarrassed now and bumping up against me, sort of pushing me) No, he's just a friend!

Then my son decides to chime in. "Mom, remember she has a boyfriend from Kindergarten in Germany?"

How do they remember these things? I reminded him that's been almost two years ago now.

A: Yeah, I'll probably never see him again.

So I told the hubby about this tonight. He said he guessed he'd have to start keeping a shotgun in the house now.

Funny...I can remember at least one occasion when a boy came over to the house my daddy was sitting in the living room cleaning his shotgun when the boy came in. Aaaahhhhh memories!