Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I got tagged by Angie

Five things in my purse
1. My wallet
2. My checkbook
3. Lip gloss
4. Pocket mirror
5. My PDA

Five things in my refrigerator
1. Milk
2. Diet Dr. Pepper
3. Orange Juice
4. Lunch meat
5. Cheese

Five things in my closet
1. Clothes (mine and P.'s)
2. Shoes
3. Boxes we haven't unpacked yet
4. P.'s uniforms
5. Belts

Five things in my car
1. Booster seats
2. CDs
3. Cell phone charger
4. Sunglasses
5. Registration

I tag Christy, C'est la vie, The Monkey House, Aura, The Girl