Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Broom Clean"

So yesterday we had our pre-termination inspection for the house. I felt so much better when we were finished! The landlord got there first and we just chatted with him for a little while before the housing inspector got there. She's a really nice lady. I hope she's the same one who does our final inspection.

The first thing she told us was that although the landlord could set stricter requirements, German law basically says the house has to be "broom clean" when we move out. What a relief! Of course it will be cleaner than that...I've already started mopping and scrubbing, but I can do it now without worrying about whether it's going to be good enough. P. is working on filling in holes in the walls and spot-painting over the filler and the kids' artwork.

After the housing lady left, the landlord told us that the most important thing now is getting all of our stuff out. We still have quite a bit of "junk" that we need to take to the recycle center. P. had him go through the wood in the garage and see what he might want before he takes it all away. That's my husband...he absolutely hates to throw anything away! Some of the wood that he's taking to the recycle center is stuff he brought home from there anyway. The landlord basically told him the new wood he can leave, but take the rest of it

Well, I'm feeling better about it anyway, and P. is definitely more relaxed now that our household goods are gone and he can focus more on getting things done around the house. The kids aren't really happy about all their toys being gone, but I did keep a few things out for them until we get to the grandparents'. They have lots to play with there. Tomorrow we move into the guesthouse on post, so then all of our everyday things will be out of the house so we can really get finished.

Tomorrow is my last day of work, and today we're having a Hail and Farewell potluck. It will be nice to have a few days when I don't have to worry about work and can focus on taking care of the things we need to get done. I'm also taking a month off from school, so it will be nice to be able to have the evenings to spend with the kids instead of working on homework.