Saturday, November 10, 2007

Coming Back

I know my blogging has been seriously slacking for quite some time now. I'm going to make an effort, starting now, to start writing again. It was so therapeutic for me when I was writing regularly, and I miss keeping up with all my blog friends, too!

I finally finished school! It seems strange to say it still. I haven't gotten the documentation yet, but I have officially finished my Bachelors Degree in Health Administration. What I'm going to do with it, I'm not quite sure yet.

I have company this weekend. Mel from Mel's Musings in my blogroll is here for the weekend. I've known her for nearly ten years now, although up until yesterday, our relationship has always been through email. But when she got here, there was an immediate comfortable relationship, and we're having a great time. My kids are really enjoying having her little girl here to play with, and hopefully it's helping Mel have a bit of a break since her hubby's deployed right now. And those of us who've been there know how important every little break can be.

So I have all intentions of blogging regularly again. I have a lot to talk about. My problem has been the fact that with all the papers I had to write for school, I had very little motivation to write for pleasure. But now that's over, and I look forward to writing here again. I hope to have some photos to share after this weekend, although my camera is on the fritz. I guess I'll just have to make sure to get copies from Mel.