Saturday, October 21, 2006


So last night was the Homecoming Football game at my old high school. Since this is the first time I've been home in forever, I wanted to go. Plus my sister and her husband were going. Her high school class is having their 10 year reunion this weekend and several of them met at the ball game last night. At least her class is having a reunion. I've been out of school 15 years and we've not had one. I don't know what ever happened to our class president. I got an invitation for a 5 year class reunion, and my mom RSVP'd for me and sent the money, but it was sent back because of lack of interest. Good grief!

Anyway, it was pretty interesting being back there. Apparently they built a new football stadium a couple of years ago. It's pretty nice. Things sure have changed over the years though. The very first thing I noticed once we found a place to sit and were able to start watching the game was the cheerleaders and their lack of uniforms. The only thing that was consistent among all of them was the t-shirts. Some of them were wearing solid black shorts, some of them were wearing black pants, and one of them was wearing running shorts that were black with a white stripe around the bottom. We were all trying to figure out what the deal was with that. I remember when I was a cheerleader (yep, I was a cheerleader), we all had to be dressed the same when we were in uniform. When the weather started getting cold, either we all wore our jogging suits with our uniforms, or none of us did.

Another thing we all noticed was that the rules about the homecoming court have apparently changed. I remember the days when the nominees for Homecoming Queen and their escorts had to be dressed a certain way. The only exception was for the football players who were escorts. Everybody else had to be wearing at least "Sunday Best." There was one escort wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt with a baseball cap turned around backwards. Also, now they vote for Homecoming King too. Maybe that's always been the norm for some schools, but we didn't have Homecoming King when I was in school. Oh well. Things definitely change. There was also a fight that broke out by the concession stand sometime during the second half. Then everybody on the bleachers where we were sitting jumped up and scrambled over to see what was going on. So there are also some things that never change.

Overall it was a good game. The band was pretty good. That was the highlight for my kids. They were pretty bored with the football game and Homecoming Court, but enjoyed the band. The home team won. There were about 4 minutes left on the clock when we decided to go ahead and leave to beat the crowd and the score was 19-6. As we were walking to the car, we heard the song that let us know that we had scored another touchdown. So I guess the score was at least 25-6. I don't know how they've done up to this point, but maybe they'll have a pretty good season.