Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day

This photo says it all so well. And a cashier in the local Bass Pro Shop made a good point when we were in there this evening. Although our nation has one day set aside to thank and honor our veterans, they sure don't set aside one day out of the year to do what they do to protect our freedom and way of life.'s a way of life for them. So while I definitely hope you took a minute out of your day to tell a Veteran thank you for what he/she does every day, I also hope it's not something you think of on only one day out of the year.

The kids and I had the opportunity to spend this Veterans Day with our favorite veteran. They made him pancakes for breakfast and put candles in the pancakes to form a "22" to represent his 22 years in the Army. Some of the candles were trick candles, and they had a BLAST watching him trying to get the candles to stay out permanently. He and I pretty much had a lazy day, in spite of all the things I really needed to get done around the house. But that's ok. Quality time with him is always a good thing. Tonight we took him out to dinner at the restaurant of his choice. He chose Texas Roadhouse. Then we took a little time to explore the Bass Pro Shop and pick up a few things we needed in another store.

I'm thankful for the opportunity to spend the time I was able to spend with him and the kids. I'm always thankful that he's home with me, when so many can't say the same. So THANK YOU to all of you who have served this country and those of you who are still serving. We appreciate you!