What a Pain!
The hubby decided that he wanted to change the paint on his Electraglide yet AGAIN. So he has spent the better part of the last couple of weeks getting the bike ready to paint and actually painting. He was mostly finished this weekend and started getting it ready to put back together. He goes TDY tomorrow and has yet to decide whether he's going to ride or take the car.
A few months ago, he got a new taillight assembly for the bike and while he had it taken apart anyway decided that now would be a good time to put the new lights on it too. He stuck his head in the house shortly before lunchtime and asked me if I could come give him a hand. Wiring is not his forte', and with my logical mind, not to mention the patience I have that he doesn't, I'm usually able to help him trace wiring diagrams and figure this stuff out.
This time was different though. I was looking at the instructions that came with the light. The biggest problem is the motorcycle has 6 wires coming out of the main harness, where there are only four going to the new light assembly. Biggest issue is figuring out which are not supposed to be connected, and what to do with them. What a pain in the ass!