Friday, March 14, 2008

New Job

I don't think I've mentioned anything about this here yet, but I've been looking for a new job for a few weeks now. I kind of started around the first of the year, and got more serious about it last month. As of the end of this month, it's been a year since I left my last job, and I need to get back to work for a few reasons.

My mom knew I was looking for a job and talked to me about a month ago about the Community College she teaches at part time. She teaches down there three days a week, and I guess it has gotten to be a bit stressful with all the prep time on top of her other job. One of the ladies in the Continuing Education department approached her about returning for the summer term to teach the class she's teaching, but she told her she needed a break. When the lady asked my mom to help her find a replacement, my mom recommended me and talked to me about it that same week.

I decided to go ahead and fill out the application. After all, at the very least, it's a job I can do in the interim until something else comes up. If I hate it, I'm only committed to one term. The summer term goes from mid-April through mid-August. If I love it, maybe it would be something I could continue even after August.

My mom called me yesterday afternoon. She had seen the new course catalog for the summer session. The course was listed in there, with my last name listed as the instructor. Mom're the only "F" I know who's applied to teach down there. Then when I got home and checked the mail, I had a letter from the school letting me know that I am, indeed, scheduled to teach for the summer session. I'm a little confused about the dates, so I'll have to show the letter to my mom before I call down to the school to clarify. The course I'm teaching is Administrative Medical Coding Specialist (Coding & Billing), which is pretty much what I've been doing off and on for the last 18 years, I guess.

I'm very excited, but I'm a bit apprehensive about it too. I have done things of this nature before. I have experience teaching AFTB classes (Army Family Team Building for those of you who read my blog and not familiar with the terminology). I actually have to say that my experience with AFTB is the main reason I originally gained an interest and the confidence to teach adult learners. When I worked at the health clinic in Vilseck, I did training sessions there on documentation and coding, particularly for the doctors and other healthcare providers. So I have the knowledge and expertise. The difference here is that I'll be working with a more structured curriculum. Fortunately, though, I'm basically taking over for my mom, so I'll be able to get a lot of the information from her.

One of the best things about this is the hours. The pay is actually quite good, particularly for part-time work. And I'll be working Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 8:30 to 2:00. The great thing is that I'll be home by the time the kids get home from school. I'll have to work something out for the times that they're on break, but I'm sure that between the family members we have here, we'll be able to figure something out. I would love to be able to avoid having to put them in daycare, but we'll figure it all out.