Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

I was minus one kiddo for Halloween this year. The boy was invited to a sleepover and birthday party for a boy that goes to their school. He went over yesterday and spent the night and stayed all of today. They ended up inviting him to go trick-or-treating with them, and he had a great time.

My girl was home. She and Daddy carved her pumpkin late this morning. She got ready for trick-or-treating this evening, but we live in a very SMALL neighborhood on post, with not many kids. I can count on one hand the number of kids that came to the door tonight. So I ended up driving her to another nearby neighborhood to trick-or-treat. My timing was perfect, because she ran into a couple of her friends as soon as she got out of the car and walked with them as I followed. It made for a much more fun experience than she would have had otherwise. I actually think both my kids had more fun than they would have had if they'd gone around our neighborhood together.

Here are a couple of pictures...

A with her jack-o-lantern

From Halloween 2010

My little sorceress
From Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween everybody!